
Roadside Assistance: 1-800-759-2979

PacCentral helps limit your downtime when faced with an unexpected emergency. PacLease's PacCentral Program is available 24-hours a day, 7-days a week  with service support at more than 50,000 locations.

Emergency calls from drivers are answered by customer service representatives who use the latest computer mapping technology to pinpoint vehicle location. The nearest service provider is selected and arrangements are made to have the problem resolved on a priority basis. Throughout this process, the PacCentral representative remains in contact with both your driver and your local PacLease location.PacCentral supports vehicles in virtually every corner of North America because it has a network of 50,000 service providers, including PacLease, Peterbilt and Kenworth locations.


PacLease Substitute Vehicles

Our goal is to keep you on the road. If a PacLease vehicle requires shop time for non-scheduled maintenance, substitute vehicles are available to ensure your delivery schedules will remain uninterrupted.